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    Thursday, October 16, 2008


    Do you know how to play?

    Take a pkg of m&m's (small trick or treat size).
    Spill them on a flat surface.
    You can only eat one color at a time. You can only eat them if, when you connect all of one color with an imaginary line, no other colors are on or inside the lines. (In both pictures, you can eat the yellow ones, but then you'd have to re-spill.)
    Continue eating until you have to re-spill them. If you can't eat any, then you just have to keep re-spilling.
    If you have a loner (only one of any particular color), it has to be the last one you eat. If you have more than one loner (of different colors of course, otherwise they wouldn't be a loner, duh!), you can only eat them if the "M" is up.
    The first player to eat all his/her m&m's is the winner!

    We invented this game at work on a slow day. It's a great stress-reliever! AND... It involves chocolate! :)

    Have fun!
    Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone powered by Centennial Wireless.


    1. Oh no - - I totally missed the fair!!

      I'll be back Monday...get ur M&Ms readyyyyyyy!!

    2. That's too much effort. I just shove them into my fat face.
